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Monday, June 23, 2008 . 10:31 PM

† Well, there was another workshop about branding your product for all the YE company but only the marketing, sales, production, research and development and operation department director get to go. Since the R&D director which is wan qin refused to go because she was too lazy so I have the opportunity. She sure will regret for giving mt the chance to go. hehe ^^ Early in the morning, 5 of us forced to squeeze in the freaking small car like burger king quadruple beef burger. At least 5 of us not riding on a motorcycle, haha! We reach the train station around 8.30am and blessed the late comers of Subang Utama school students. The word unpunctual really suit them and became their trademark! * Waiting for SU school students and our train.....

† Thanks to the SU students, we are so late when we reach PriceWaterHouseCoopers company where the workshop is held. At 1st, a few employees will bring each school including us for a tour around the company. They showed us the office, director's office, conference room, library, cafe and a lot more.

* The director's office, WOW! After 10 years maybe the office will be mine in a company, ^^

* This is the library for the employers and employees to use for business purposes. All the books at least got 3 inch thick, rawrs!!

* The security at this building so damn tight like what we watch from movies. This device very easy and fun to use, just put a card at the bottom screen and press which floor you wan to go and it will show you to go which lift. Cool huh?? Its like what we can watch from movies about secret agents and blablabla.

* Their working office,very calm, quiet and BORING!!! hahaha!! Well the environment very comfortable and quiet but for me it is so BORING like what u can see, =.=''

* A very kind and pretty lady preparing a few cups of coffee for herself and workmates. She showed us the view of Maxis company building and a few luxurious bungalow from the side window.

* Maxis building and the luxurious big bungalow, work hard to buy 1 or wait for next life, haha ^^

* Magnificent @.@ When your bladder full of liquid about to burst out and somehow you forget to bring the security pass to go in toilet for a comfortable releasing moment. :-s

* The Haven cafe where everyone sit down have their breakfast, lunch or whatever at here with their laptop. Everyone clear the place for me so that I can take a nice snapshot, hahaha, just joking!!

* Wow!! Poppy!! One of the ingredient for cocaine!! The name of the meeting room is POPPY!! I wonder what they or CRIMINALS discussing inside there. Discussing about where to sell their cocaine or how the progress of poppy plantation, who knows ^^

* This is a before picture of our lunch. Are you all hungry after looking at all these delicious and scrumptious food?? Well, there are TEMPURA, edible chicken which is not the chicken we know, yam cake,sandwiches and mihun!!

* Hon chao get a shock when chicken take our photo, hahaha!! Everyone having fun so too bad for wan qin for insisting not coming to this workshop, bluek!

* This is a after picture of our lunch, wow!! Very messy!!

* Some souvenirs we get from PriceWaterHouseCoopers and my last pic for this post!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 . 6:10 PM

† Guess what, today everyone in the YE club get the chance to go for a workshop which is the International Trade Challenge on the June 18. Well, this is the 1st workshop where all the members of YE club can attend because usually the important directors gets to go for certain interesting and fun workshop,sad huh?? Everyone with their charming looks go to University Malaya hall a.k.a Dewan Tunku Canselor. The exterior of the hall so terrible without any paints. You can even see the tiny bits of cement chuck dropping and the fish pool is full of greeny algae like hulk,haha ^^ I wonder how old is the building and how in the world the koi fish survive in that disgusting pool. They sure got a strong will to live on in this world. The only word to describe the interior of the hall is WOW!! There are around 48 air conditioner, a few rows of tables and chairs in a perfectly condition and nice interior design. The exterior is like hell but the interior is like heaven, don't know what to say about the government that built this 'piece' of building.

† We took up 3 tables to fit our butts and the workshop start with an ice breaking activity. Well, the 1st activity main objective is to teaches us how to think positively in business no matter how bad is the condition. In the other hand, we can think negatively about something good if we wan so we must think positively no matter what happen! During the activity, everyone starts to feel the coldness from the heartless air conditioner. Imagine 48 air-con at the temperature of 16 Celsius degree blowing directly on top of you at a size of 8 classrooms hall. Everyone start to grab the table cloth to warm their hands even I myself tapping my teeth like some bunch of soldier having a war or rather lovely soothing music ^^ After the activity, everyone rush out from the hall for a breakfast break,YEAH!!! YUMMY FOOD!! Everyone get a packet of fried noodles/mihun and teh tarik but somehow jon took 5 packets of noodles/mihun and ate finish all of them in the speed of light like he never ate for 5 days. So, to everyone who wants to learn how to eat so fast, meet the jon and become his student, wakakaka ^^

† After breakfast break, the organizer teach us everything about marketing, sales and research for our products.Blablabla and all the boring time on the workshop past in a speed of light, woohoooo! Before lunch break, we are asked to prepare 5 minutes presentation about our crazy newly invented product called TIFO a.k.a Trash In Fuel Out. The 1st person who went out of that bloody cold shivering hall is jon. While soon huat come back from his comfortable releasing pee process, jon has already finish a box of lunchbox while everyone just started their 1st bite on the magnificient lunch! While everyone finish their only one lunchbox, jon has finish 3 of them. With our intelligence and creativity, we came up with a perfect presentation by esther. While other school students present their ideas, there were few of them can seriously become a clown. There was a guy present with a gangster tone while another wan give a speech with tons of 'erm' makes us laughing our ass out. Chicken and soon huat keep couting how many 'erm' she have pronounced in the whole speech while the others in our table laughing until the end.

Sunday, June 1, 2008 . 7:02 PM

† Wassup everyone!!! I bet everyone enjoyed their holidays especially wan qin who go for somewhere that I forgot by private jet according to some of my friends..... T____T Well my holiday was not a holiday, WTF!!! Starting of holiday, I straight away go for a 4 days 3 night competition camp at the far far land of Kuala Selangor representing petaling for my brotherhood scout. In my thoughts, going a 4 days 3 night camp is like reading ABC but the problem is there are no water to BATH!! Guess what, 7 stinky people going for competition, eat and sleep in this kind of horrible and hell like situation. Luckily there are still some water to brush our teeth if not there gonna be a few murdering cases by some crazy humans, LMAO!! During the camp, when we meet each other, the general sentence we used is 'NO WATER' so that they would not waste their time going to the toilet and seeking for the precious water. Bloody stupid idiot Indah Water worker somehow shut the water supply to prevent over usage of water, so 'GOOD' right??? This camp is like the worst nightmare for any civilize human being because of shortage of water supply!!!

† In the end, Petaling got 3rd for the whole Selangor and my troop 138th scout is the representative, hehe :p !! 4 days of suffering at least paid off when they announce the result at the end of the miserable camp and our incharge teacher insisted the school to announce our names during assembly although it was not a big victory for us.