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Friday, May 30, 2008 . 8:07 PM

† Early in the morning around 9am, I called kar yee.

Beng Kiat :

Hey kar yee, sim hui, wan qin and pei szan going your house cooking spaghetti and mashed potato for tonight's barbeque??

Kar Yee :

Ya, later around 10am they coming.

Beng Kiat :

Ok, so later I also come can right?

Kar Yee :

Ya, sure!!Around 10.30am at kar yee house, sim hui was there eating lotus seed. Suddenly sim hui said that soon huat coming also and wan qin went for a luxurious trip to somewhere by private jet. PRIVATE JET!!! OMG!!! Soon huat come to kar yee house maybe he knew I will be there so he has to take action about it, haha :> !! When soon huat reached, we start cooking mashed potato without a proper recipes and ingredient.

Beng Kiat :

Soon huat, you got bring butter for the mashed potato??

Soon Huat :

Yea, inside the plastic bag.

Beng Kiat :

Soon huat, *holding the vege oil margarine* are you sure this is butter??? This is margarine for bread, not butter for cooking or baking!!

Soon Huat :

Omg, my mom brought wrongly, zzzz =.=''

Beng Kiat :

Lol, never mind. I go back my house check got butter and cheese. *dreaming of yummy food*10 minutes later, no butter and cheese left in my house!!

Kar Yee :

Soon huat, can go USJ 16 the pasar tani buy a block of butter??

Soon Huat :

Sure!! *straight away without second thought*

† With the butter and salt, our mashed potato done without a proper way and somehow sim hui, kar yee and per szan addicted to the mashed potato. Haven't reach ben's house already starting eating the mashed potato. After done with the mashed potato, soon huat and me snatching to slice the onions and mushrooms to show our cooking skills to you know who. Of course my cooking skill is better than soon huat :p! Maybe should join the KDU cooking competition and win him, hahaha!! The girls were so damn happy because there are 2 mini chef cooking the spaghetti for them while they cooked Maggie noodles + cooking wine in it for lunch. Here comes the hilarious part, while we cooking the spaghetti noodle, the girls went to the living room and watch a funny Singaporean movie. While waiting the noodles to be cooked, soon huat and I went out from the steaming hot kitchen and forgot about the noodles after some time.

Kar Yee :

Do you all smell something has burnt??

Beng Kiat & Soon Huat :

Oh wtf, we forgot about the spaghetti noodles!! *everyone rushed to the kitchen and open the lid* Wow, burned and crispy spaghetti noodles!! Anyone wanna have a taste?? *another version of mamee monster*

Kar Yee :

My mom will scold me leh if got the black stain at the wok!!

Beng Kiat & Soon Huat :

Oh shit, seriously in deep trouble!! *scraping off the burned noodles and washed it* Phew, luckily can clean it if not we are dead meat, hehehe!!! *laughing happily*

Well the whole cooking process was fun, at least we learn something which is girls nowadays can't really cook in a safe way and without disaster, joking!!!

To be continue.....
† Well, as you all know that me, soon huat, sim hui, kar yee and pei szan cooked the spaghetti and mashed potato for the barbeque party. We reached at ben's house around 5pm if I am not mistaken, haha!! Ben sure know how to treat all his friends including myself by playing the fucking annoying electric guitar at his living room. Want to know why I say the electric guitar is annoying?? Well, ben can't play as good as Min Jen plus the amplifier produce the annoying electric sound causing everyone's ear start to bleed!! At last our savior, sim hui suggested that have a walk around the bbq spot and around the swimming pool.

*Chatting while waiting for the others*

*At last, there comes the fire by beng kiat after 1 hours because of wet charcoal..... exhausted*

† Somehow, there are some people late until we almost finished everything and our stomach full of scrumptious food like curry chicken, sweet potato and pizza from chee khuin, wooohoooo!! Everyone agreed to jump into the water when we plan it but at last nobody brought extra shirt to change or jump into the pool except a few unlucky guy..... After teresa and sing yee arrived, louis and some guys including myself get high and wanna push whoever beside the pool.

*Chee Khuin brought us some delicious pepperoni pizza!! hooray!!*

*Louis cooked some spicy curry for everyone!!*

*ben's brother burned the sausages, imagine what will happen to him*

1st target : Soon Huat!! (good luck man)

Louis & Beng Kiat : 1.....2.....3.....Push soon huat!!!
Soon Huat : Shit!!! (dodge)
Beng Kiat : *never mind, louis will be the 2nd target, hehehehe!!!*

Woosh!!! Louis down in the pool and wet!!! hahahaha!!!

Beng Kiat : Fuck!! Louis, let go of my hand!! Don't pull my hand!!

5 seconds later......
Beng Kiat and Louis in the pool with my precious hand phone with me, OMG!!! Another 5 seconds just pass and wen hao and our host, ben get pushed inside the pool like me with his hand phone also..... 2 of us quickly plug out the battery and dry the hand phone. After few minutes, soon huat gonna pay for dodging us!!! Finale, soon huat get dragged into the pool with his cock dragging at the floor, ouch!!! While soon huat, louis and me in the pool enjoying, ben quickly ran to his house and changed a dry outfit. Maybe he scared of water, haha!!

† After all the bbq and swimming, everyone went to ben's house to play some so called 'games'. When we played truth or dare, I am the unlucky wan that get the worst dare ever..... They asked me to hugged kar yee but there are few problems. 1st is kar yee avoid from me but everyone waiting me to make the daring move and 2nd is soon huat is there, haiz!! I don't know what to say or do, what if after i hugged her something bad happen to me like get hated forever or something good happen which bring a happy ending, its a 50/50 chance!! After that night, I asked her something and now I understood what she thinks and feels but I am so f***ing angry of myself for don't have the guts to do it and give up a good chance!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008 . 1:00 AM

† Black roses to most people signify death, or hatred. Black rose also means farewell and overcoming of a long hard journey and often used at funerals. A single black rose might be sent by a close friend and or loved one leaving for a war or on a journey from which he did not expect to return. An alternate meaning is 'slavish devotion'. Black rose can represent a death and meaningless love or a heartbreak guy. A black rose can represent myself for certain reason.....

''Only someone with a heart as black as its petals could appreciate it."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 . 1:56 PM

† Sorry guys for not updating my blog because having a serious major crazy exam!! 3 weeks ago during a class subject, suddenly a sentence came out from 1 of my classmate mouth, guess what? Next 2 week is exam week and i haven't study and revise my subject!! I'm a dead person,luckily I still got a week to revise,phew!! Now my exam almost over and somehow I screwed my chemistry a week ago and my add math today but what makes me pissed off is my chemistry exam is a leak exam for me and I make tonnes of stupid and careless mistake. I suppose my chemistry can get A because chemistry my favorite subject,haha ^^ My add math sure fail,not enough of practice and revision!!! F*** ADD MATH!!! I shall study and score 12 A's on my last term exam if not I got no hope to get straight A's for SPM!!! Now my hands and legs are full with something like the picture above because 24 hours a day is never enough.

1) Study
2) Complete My Scout Log Book
3) Play and Practice My Piano
-The Flight Of Bumblebee
4) Buy A Powerizer and NXT Robot

† Anyway, let's forget about this few weeks for exam and plan for your holidays!!! Holiday is coming, wohohohohoho!!! 10 of my friend including me are going Genting Highland for 2 days and sadly there are two inhuman people are busy with something,wanna know who are they?? Our Ang Wan Qin the rich girl cannot go because she wanna go dating with someone and Tan Hon Chao busy with his web designing and starting a profit making business through internet. 1 too busy with love while another busy making money, haiz!! Holiday about having fun with friends and relax after 2-3 months of studying at sch 5 days a week, so just relax and throw everything to a corner FOR A MOMENT, haha!!