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Saturday, April 26, 2008 . 11:58 PM

† 25th May was my school YE sales day, hoooray!! The theme of the sales is Earth Day and of course our sales product are made from raw materials such as glass jar, papers and recycled items, at least we contribute something to our mother nature and beloved earth. 31 of us including myself went to Citibank around 8.30am, luckily the traffic is still ok if not I gonna be bored by our beloved lecturer in the air-condition bus during the trip to Citibank and my butt gonna cramp for the whole day, hahaha!!

† When we reach Citibank, all the employers and employee start their lovely Friday with coffee in their hands. The crowd are like ants walk here and there preparing for war against our infiltration in their 'colony', ^^! During the 1st shift of sales, me, hon chao, sim hui, wan qin and ben sold off 3/4 of our product's stock in an hour, which means the remaining shift will be doing nothing, wheeepeee for us!! At least they get to rest and play around, haha!! During our noon break time when we are eating our lunch, suddenly hon chao came up with an idea which is '' Let go to Ampang Park and shop around! '' WOW, what a GOOD IDEA when our sponsor says not to go out from Citibank and somehow some of them disobey it which include hon chao, sim hui, ben, eggy and wan qin, what a bunch of 'RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR' people!! After they left Citibank, me, kar yee, khai ee, jon and min jen stayed in the torturing Citibank and singing the RECYCLE MAN song with the others while min jen playing the song with ben's guitar, somehow its was fun. Maybe because someone is there, ^^

Hey ho recycle bin,
Have you any junks,
No sir, No sir, feel me up,
One for the blue box,
One for the brown,
One for the coolest wandering little green man.

† Around 2 pm, all the products sold off and we are already start packing our things with a tired body and that was the time when all the 'RESPONSIBLE' people came back with enjoying and fun feeling. Everything comes with a consequence so they get all the screwing from one of our sponsor. Well, 'congratulate' to them for not listening and be playful all the time. In my opinion, they deserve more than just getting screwed by the sponsor because of their irresponsible acts and 'deeds' by leaving all of us. Like people said, ' All For One, One For All. ' Of course |I am not the one that expose their irresponsible acts and I dunno how the sponsors know about it, maybe its because they went missing for a long time or other reasons. After that teacher 'summon' us down to the bus stop and guess what, the bus reach after 30 minutes and standing at the bus stop sure is a torturing time because the sun is shining brightly on top of our head and the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide released by all the vehicles that pass by!! Anyway we took a group picture infront of Citibank as a souvenir, hehe ^^!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 . 6:36 PM

† It was yesterday when me, ben, soon huat, jon kwan and our emo boy, eggy went to hon chao's house to complete all the various competition presentation and programming which we didn't finish it as soon as possible because some circumstances such as madness and lack of time! Now we have to one shot complete everything by this freaking bloody week, very funny huh? Why god have to create the world with 24 hours per day instead of 36 hours? Imagine your life with 36 hours, a person can spend his time doing lots and lots of thing!!! Ok, this is not the F... main point because ben's itchy hands unleashed and start to play and READ people's private inbox!! Somehow he caught me off guard when I was busy playing with the robot and he start to read EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE ONE BY ONE!! Now he know everything inside my handphone inbox, my secret is in RED ALERT CONDITION as we know ben has another nickname, BIG BEN a.k.a big mouth ben, of course I'm not the one that give him the nickname,wakakaka!! For the second time, I'm a SITTING DUCK to be shoot down by ben's mouth anytime, anywhere, anyhow!!

† Next time delete everything you got inside your inbox,.....

Sunday, April 20, 2008 . 2:30 PM

† Can you imagine the life at Jakarta? This is what I saw during the trip to Jakarta..... Do you even know what is she doing while hugging a baby? This girl is so poor until she have to take care of her small little baby brother/sister and ask for money so that she can buy some food to eat. Like you can see from the picture, it is currently raining during that time and day and she have to beg for money under the rain from 1 car to 1 car.

† This is a normal procedure when you go to a 'high class' mall at Jakarta but actually there is no difference between shopping mall such as Sunway Pyramid, 1 Utama and others mall in Malaysia. Since there no difference, I am sure why are you wondering there is security guard using a metal detector checking the car. This is because those kind of mall counted high class for a normal citizen at Jakarta and the owner of the mall have to hire security guards so that there won't be any unwanted things to happen like robbery.

† Now try compare your life and theirs life, which one is more comfortable and better?? So appreciate everything you got no matter what it is!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008 . 6:00 PM

† Today was rather a boring day until the few minutes before recess time, me and khai ee spotted something. Both of us saw eggy and sweet yee chatting non stop about something until recess time over which is very very rare. Let me guess, eggy is asking sweet yee about his lover condition and all those boring stuff or sweet yee is asking eggy about something, you never know what they chatted about anyway because this is what we call privacy, wakakakaka ^^!

Thursday, April 17, 2008 . 8:48 PM

† Everyone sure know a song called secret piano duel no.3 by jay chou, I played that music for 2 month still can't play it smoothly, perfectly and most important FAST!!! My fingers gonna wear white 'shirts' after 2 more weeks, for the sake of perfection and speed..... Today was rather interesting in school, a bunch of my friends and I went to chemistry lab for an experiment, guess what, one of my friend, hon chao used bare hand to hold a heated crucible and somehow he throw it to the table where everyone is standing in front of him, great huh? Luckily nobody get hurt and another smart friend of mine, wan qin also did the same thing but she throw a different thing which is the crucible lid, aren't both of them make a perfect couple,haha ^^!

† Ever seen a magnesium burns in the air?? A bright white spark or light will blind your eye, the effect is like a flashbang, WOW!! This is the result of magnesium ribbon with oxygen when it is heated. POOF! There you go, magnesium oxide!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 . 7:39 PM

† This is what you can see of my friend named rotijon during a meeting, he always STEAL a book from the library to read, want to know why??? His reason is the procedure of borrowing book is too complicated, funny huh? Now what you see might make you think that this guy is just a geek or nerd where you can see everywhere but the fact that he is not a geek because there is a funky and crazy side inside him, too bad I can't show you how crazy he is!!

† What u see here is a girl named wan qin apologizing to a group of meanie bullies and they are having a joyful time bullying wan qin which is my friend..... Ok ok, what i said was a total bull crap, what do you expect from a boring person during a meeting by capturing pictures other than playing with handphones like my friends over here. Oh, don't forget the emo boy named eggy over the right side, haha ^^!

† Today was an interesting day until biology, everyone in my class were in a sleepy mode and you can see all those people with a half closed eye lid walking to our school biology lab with a menopause crazy teacher inside. Anyway we have to go in to the lab ASAP because that crazy teacher would lock us outside of the lab which happened last time but thanks to our class monitor, he beg our teacher to open the door, what a great teacher right? Anyway today we had an experiment by testing the effect of sucrose on the POTATO. Now what can you do during such experiment?? Let me tell you, my friends and I including the girls were serious about doing the experiment perfectly, somehow one of us come out with an idea of playing with the POTATOs, what a great idea huh? We start poking holes on the potato with the apparatus teacher gave us and start shooting pieces of potato among ourselves, i called it as POTATO WAR!!! Now is the great part, we bring 2 POTATO back to our classroom and guess what happen, we start to throw the HUGE CHUCK OF POTATO around the class which will be painful like getting shoot in a paintball war! There were minor injuries reported during the throwing of potato and i was the one that throwing it and hit the girl i love, WOW, i am a dead person!!!

† Advice from me, don't ever play with HUGE CHUCKS OF VEGETABLES OR FRUITS WHICH WILL CAUSE INJURIES, something bad might happen, hahahahaha!!